The team at iBioPharm Consulting has previously worked with a wide variety of companies and academic institutions. Below is a selected summary of the published articles and paper contributions.

Selected Publications

Lim, J.; Patkar, A.; McDonagh, G.; Sinclair, A. and Lucy, P. Modeling Bioprocess Cost - Process Economic Benefits of Expression Technology based on Pseudomonas fluorescens. Biopharm Int., Nov 2010, 62-70.

Fraud, N.; Lim, J.; Sinclair, A. and Gottschalk, U. Technical and Economic Benefits of Membrane Chromatography during Polishing Steps. Biopharm Int., Aug 2010, 44-52.

Sinclair, A.; Leveen, L.; Monge, M.; Lim, J. and Cox, S. The Environmental Impact of Disposable Technologies. Can disposable technology reduce your facility's environmental footprint? Biopharm Int., Supplement Nov 2008, 4-15.

Foulon, A.; Trach, F.; Pralong, A.; Proctor, M. and Lim, J. Using Disposables in an Antibody Production Process. Biopharm Int., Jun 2008, 12-17.

Lim, J. A. C.; Sinclair, A.; Hirai, M. and Gottschalk, U. Disposable Membrane Chromatography – Counting the Cost. BioPharm Int., Supplement Jun 2008, 34-40.

Lim J. A. C., Sinclair A. Process Economy of Disposable Manufacturing – Process Models to Minimize Upfront Investment. Amer. Pharmaceut. Rev. 2007, 10, 114-121.

Lim, J. A. C.; Sinclair, A.; Kim. D. S.; Gottschalk, U. Economic Benefits of Single-Use Membrane Chromatography in Polishing – A Cost of Goods Model. BioProcess Int., Feb 2007, 48-56.

Lim, A. C.; Zhou, Y.; Washbrook, J.; Titchener-Hooker, N. J.; Farid, S. A Computer-Aided Approach to Compare the Production Economics of Fed-Batch versus Perfusion Culture. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 2005, 93(4), 687-697.

Lim, A. C.; Zhou, Y.; Washbrook, J.; Sinclair, A.; Fish, B.; Francis, R.; Titchener-Hooker, N. J.; Farid, S. Application of A Decision-Support Tool to Access Pooling Strategies in Perfusion Culture Processes under Uncertainty. Biotechnol. Prog., 2005, 21 (4), 1231-1242.

Lim, A. C.; Zhou, Y.; Washbrook, J.; Titchener-Hooker, N. J.; Farid, S. A Decisional-Support Tool to Model the Impact of Regulatory Compliance Activities in the Biomanufacturing Industry. Comput. Chem. Eng., 2004, 28/5, 727-735.

Lim, A. C.; Farid, S.; Washbrook, J.; Titchener-Hooker, N. J. A Tool for Modelling the Impact of Regulatory Compliance Activities on the Biomanufacturing Industry. In Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering: ESCAPE-13; Kraslawski, A.; Turunen, I. (Eds); Elsevier Science B. V.: Lappeenranta, 2003; Vol. 14, pp. 1109-1114.